Monday, August 5, 2013

Guess what! I feel like hell. Serious TMI ahead.

Second infusion today.  I went by myself and was fine.  Got there about 2, had my blood drawn, waited an hour while they did the labs, and then pre-meds and about 90 minutes to get all the taxol in.  I left at 6:30 and had no traffic getting home, which was really nice. 

Because I tolerated it well last time they upped the taxol a bit.   I'm not tolerating it as well this time.  I'm still well within the bounds of normal, but this is exceedingly unpleasant.  So the taxol gives me the shits.  The Zofran (anti-nausea) makes me constipated.  The LCL161 gives me massive cramping right below my diaphragm.  And a little while ago as I was running for the bathroom a massive wave of nausea came over me. It seems to have passed now, but was basically like the worst food poisoning ever - sitting on the toilet and dry heaving into a (clean and empty, thank gawd) cat box.  Note to self: cat box is actually a good bucket.  Large target.  Can't miss.  I'll buy another one to keep empty in the bedroom upstairs.  The cats will be really confused. 

And I'm still amped up on steroids so I can't actually sleep it off.  I think I'm going to try to get some work done until I can take another Zofran at midnight.

Have to get up early for a 7am meeting, walk out the door at 7:30 and drive back down to Stanford for the next biopsy, which means another 48 hours without taking a sports bra off and no showers.  And getting stabbed in the chest again, but that's really becoming the least annoying thing, honestly.

And I look really really butch with my hair cut off.  If I ever decided to switch teams, I'd have no trouble looking the part.  It's really kind of hilarious now that I'm settling into it.  There may be pictures at some point.  I dunno yet.  Ask me after another Ativan.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry, this sounds horrible. I wish it were less horrible. Thinking of you.
