Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Something goes right...

Some good news on the bureaucracy front. As annoyed as I am with my employer for a variety of reasons at the moment, they do seem to do disability right. I filed a claim yesterday for my absence to begin Friday (through April 30, 2014) and they have a company that expedites all that stuff and takes in all the supplemental checks from the state on my behalf, and my paychecks will continue to arrive as usual via direct deposit, and they will be the same size, for the entire time I'm out. With Bob only working half time and being a student right now, this is a huge load off our minds.

So I guess that's it - tomorrow is my last day until next May . WEIRD.


Breathing is still improving but has a way to go.  I turned off the oxygen concentrator yesterday because I haven't needed it.  I can climb a flight of stairs without the emergency air, but I'm still a bit out of breath at the top and need to sit for a minute.  That's a lot better than getting dizzy and nearly passing out every third step.  

 I've got two days left on the antibiotics and tamiflu, and then another 10 days or so before we start stepping down the prednisone.  I'm going to keep the emergency air here at the house until I'm off the prednisone entirely, since that seems to be the thing keeping me breathing once the flu is gone.  

In the mean time, I rescheduled my surgery consults that had been on the calendar for yesterday to happen later in the month and I have a follow up with Dr. T at Stanford on Monday to reboot the chemo plan and hopefully schedule a biopsy on the thing in my lung.  

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