Friday, February 21, 2014

holding pattern

Not a whole lot to report.  Sunday night the incision on my right side started leaking.  The surgeon has been pulling out 320 ccs of liquid (about 10 fluid ounces) every 4-5 days for the last couple of weeks, but the incision gave way and I woke up in a puddle. 

So now we're doing wound packing on both sides.  The pressure hurts so I'm taking more pain meds.  surgeon thinks about three more weeks to go.  Bob says he can see progress, but I can't look.  I still pretty much burst into tears when we do the dressing change (twice a day, 9am and 9pm).  If it was somebody else's body I could probably stomach it, but it's too visceral right now (almost literally?).

Other than that I'm not doing much.  I have the attention span of a flea and am seeing double from the drugs.  I think I've probably got about two productive-ish hours per day, which get burned up on doctors appointments or phone calls to schedule more appointments or trying to return emails or making lunch.   Otherwise  I've been marathoning The Good Wife on my laptop from bed, napping, and reading YA novels. Seeing double makes TV more interesting - it's not a big shift, but it is sort of like watching with a picasso filter or something.  There's just an extra eye or chin every once in a while.  Brains are weird. 

We're still not scheduling chemo again until my chest heals up, so I just check in with the doctor and have bloodwork done to confirm that my hemoglobin levels are improving. 

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