As expected, today I crashed. The steroids must have cleared my system overnight. I slept like a log for about 7 hours and could have stayed in bed longer if that whole job thing didn't get in the way. And I also got my first taste of what forgetting to care for myself properly will cost now.
I forgot to eat breakfast. By 11 when I remembered to eat breakfast I was shaking so bad that I actually dropped it as I was pulling it out of the microwave, shattering the dish on the floor and making one very very happy dog. I locked myself in my office (with the dog) while Bob cleaned it up and made me a fresh plate. I cried and felt ridiculous. I need to start setting alarm clocks to remind me to eat every couple of hours. The recommendation is to go for six snacky meals a day rather than three big ones, and it made sense when I heard it. It made a hell of a lot more sense after experiencing it.
Anyway, I'm glad I had the warning that today would be bad, and really it was fine beyond that. I arranged my work schedule to avoid big meetings jut in case, and it was fine. I just feel really really tired again. I didn't take any anti-nausea meds today and don't expect to need them again until next Monday.
Next cancer related update - the big shave on Saturday.
I forgot to eat breakfast. By 11 when I remembered to eat breakfast I was shaking so bad that I actually dropped it as I was pulling it out of the microwave, shattering the dish on the floor and making one very very happy dog. I locked myself in my office (with the dog) while Bob cleaned it up and made me a fresh plate. I cried and felt ridiculous. I need to start setting alarm clocks to remind me to eat every couple of hours. The recommendation is to go for six snacky meals a day rather than three big ones, and it made sense when I heard it. It made a hell of a lot more sense after experiencing it.
Anyway, I'm glad I had the warning that today would be bad, and really it was fine beyond that. I arranged my work schedule to avoid big meetings jut in case, and it was fine. I just feel really really tired again. I didn't take any anti-nausea meds today and don't expect to need them again until next Monday.
Next cancer related update - the big shave on Saturday.
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