Friday, October 25, 2013

hospital, day five

Slept better last night, only a couple of major coughing fits and I stayed plugged in to the O2 so I knew I wouldn't crash.  I've got a bunch of different meds on different schedules and so they never let me sleep more than about 4.5 hours in a row anyway. 

They've ruled out a bunch of stuff from the broncoscopy, but still haven't found a source for the fevers.  I didn't go over 99 today though.  They weighed me this morning and I have dropped 15 pounds since October 15. 

Since I'm officially voluntarily on the O2 I did a little test this morning.  I unplugged myself at 9am and just sat in bed.  at 9:05 I dropped to 89% (which sets the lights blinking and the alarm off on the monitor).  I bounced back up and down for about 10 minutes and then stayed at about 88% on room air for the next 15 minutes.

So, I've been back on the O2 for a good chunk of the day.  The pulmonary people couldn't decide if I was getting worse because I need more meds, or because I've been in bed for five days now (really almost a solid week now - I was minimally active all weekend despite the road trip).   They did decide it's safe for me to start using the incentive breathing thing (you inhale as deep as you can to keep a plastic cup suspended in a tube) so I've been doing that every hour all afternoon.  Trying the no O2 test again now.  So far it's better - holding steady at 96% now with only two drops below 90% in the last 20 minutes.  I will stay on the O2 tonight for sleep.  It seems silly not to if only just to keep the damned alarm from going off even if I'm technically safe. 

Got the breast biopsy back and there is still cancer there, so I will be starting the next 12 weeks of chemo as soon as this breathing thing is resolved and they're able to schedule the biopsy on the thing in my lung.  I hope it's soon for multiple reasons - it would really suck to let the bastard grow up again because I can't handle the treatment right now. 

The great highlight of my day was that they finally let me take a shower.  I haven't done that since Sunday night, and with all the fevers and incontinence, this has been absolutely miserable.  They've done a couple of "bed baths" where they basically wipe you down with warmed up baby wipes.  It helped, but nothing like running water and soap.  I am clean and that alone makes me feel better than I have in days.

The oncology team is ready to let me go tomorrow.  The pulmonary team said maybe Sunday.  

As I've been typing this the low O2 alarm has gone off about five times and the frequency is getting higher.  So I guess I'm back on it then.

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