Monday, September 23, 2013

The party continues...

I think I've spent all of five minutes with Bob since Saturday night, which is good.  He's hanging out with people he never gets to see (that I've spent a lot more time with at the international versions of these conferences).  I think I've seen everybody I wanted to and a few bonus faces.  I miss him, but I'm glad he's having fun, and I'm sleeping so much I wouldn't be good company anyway. 

Today was my longest day on the show floor - I worked our booth from 9:30-12:30, and then came back for a couple hours in the afternoon.  I got in two naps, and then went out to a party (on the 46th floor of the Hilton, unbelievable view from up there) and to a session I wanted to see, and then had dinner on my own at the restaurant.  Food continues to be a frustration - the party had a fantastic buffet, but I can't guess at how long it had been sitting out, or sitting prepped in the kitchen ready to go, so I went down to the restaurant and had a good risotto and some tea and read up on the interwebs for a bit. 

Tomorrow I don't have to be anywhere until I leave for chemo at 12:30.  I've got yogurt in the fridge and that'll be breakfast, I think.  I'll probably go up to the expo hall just to say hi to people and drop off the rest of the swag we're giving away.  But otherwise my plan is to stay in bed, get caught up on some non-conference work stuff, and just generally take it easy. 

I'm bringing T and M with me to chemo tomorrow.  It's really the only time the three of us will have to spend together alone before T goes back to Chicago, and I feel like it's important that they get to know each other better and we all have a united plan for how we're going to deal with work stuff. 

I'll get my big dose of steroids tomorrow after chemo and will have magic energy again, although even that is getting more and more short lived.  I can tell you I am not looking forward to the get-up-and-pee-every-20-minutes thing tomorrow night.  Usually I try to maintain a bedtime closer to Bob's, but all bets are off now - he'll be out until after the bars close, so maybe I'll stay up late with a book or something. 

Wednesday and Thursday will be the easy days.  Two hours of booth duty before noon, and that's it.  I'm looking forward to hanging out with T & M tomorrow (even if it is at chemo), but I'm ready to go home beyond that. 

I've got some other crazy travel stuff coming up in October.  I think it will be good.  A friend was offered a vacation house for free for a long weekend, and it happens to be the weekend before my last chemo and testing on the trial.  Just a few girls out in the country for a few days.  It's only a two hour drive, and I expect to do nothing but hang out and chat and take naps and read on a couch somewhere.  The weekend after the trial ends we're going to a family reunion thing, and then the next week I have a 48 hour work trip to Vegas.  I would have said no to Vegas, except it's going to be in the middle of the couple weeks I'll have off while we figure out if I'm doing chemo or surgery next, so I'll actually be in pretty good shape for it.

Somewhere in the middle of all of that I've got a birthday, and then we've got to figure out what - if anything - we're doing for the holidays. 

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