Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Maybe not done with chemo after all.

There must be a reason, but I cannot fathom it.  I have had an old Carpenters song stuck in my head all day.  It's not the kind of thing you hear in muzak mixes anymore, I have no idea what triggered it.  Here you go, and I'm sorry.  I have no idea why that one especially.  This one was better.

Today we went back to the oncologist for a followup.  My progress is good and the way I'm feeling is exactly on target.  She wants to see me again one more time after the mastectomy pathology is back.  If there's any tumor left (I can still feel the lump, but it could just be scar tissue at this point), she wants me to do a course of carboplatin ASAP. 

There's this big oncology thing every December in San Antonio and apparently this was (finally) the year for triple negative studies, and they had a massive one come back showing definitively that carboplatin prevents tumor spread in triple negative patients, so if there's any cancer left, she wants me to do it after the mastectomy.  So, yay, I guess?  It's nice to know they've got something that can help, but I'm really hoping I don't need it.  Doing it would also delay reconstruction.  So now I have two things to be nervous about with that pathology report. 

This is the last one, I promise.  

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